[config] name = Craftbukkit 1.8.5 source = http://yivesmirror.com/files/craftbukkit/craftbukkit-1.8.8-R0.1-SNAPSHOT-latest.jar configSource = http://yivesmirror.com/files/multicraft/craftbukkit.jar.conf [encoding] encode = utf-8 decode = utf-8 fileEncoding = latin-1 ## Command line customization. ## Available variables ## - {MULTICRAFT_DIR} The Multicraft daemon base directory ## - {BASE_DIR} Same as {MULTICRAFT_DIR} ## - {DAEMON_DIR} Directory of the daemon binaries ## - {DATA_DIR} Global.daemon.dataDir ## - {JAR_DIR} Daemon JAR directory ## - {SERVERS_DIR} Directory containing all servers ## - {SERVER_ID} Current server ID ## - {SERVER_DIR} Current server base directory ## - {WORLD} Name of the current world ## - {JAVA} Java executable to run ## - {START_MEMORY} Startup memory amount ## - {MAX_MEMORY} Maximum memory amount ## - {JAR_FILE} Current JAR file name ## - {JAR} Full path to current JAR file ## - {IP} Server IP ## - {PORT} Server port ## - {MAX_PLAYERS} Maximum player slots ## - {DAEMON_ID} Daemon ID ## - {PID} Process ID of the server process ## - {PID_FILE} File containing the PID of the server process ## - {USER} User the server will run as ## - {GROUP} Group the server will run as ## - {UID} User system ID ## - {GID} Group system ID [start] command = "{JAVA}" -Xmx{MAX_MEMORY}M -Xms{START_MEMORY}M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal -jar "{JAR}" nogui [settings] crashRestartDelay = 2000 restartOnCrash = true [plugins] pluginDir = plugins pluginMatch = \.(jar|zip)$ [commands] say = say list = list save-on = save-on save-off = save-off save-all = save-all stop = stop tell = tell give = give tp = tp deop = deop op = op pardon-ip = pardon-ip ban-ip = ban-ip pardon = pardon ban = ban kick = kick help = help [parse_startup] start1=^\s*Listening on [parse_log] start=^(?P